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Fit for the Modern Workforce

Mobile learning is disrupting traditional digital learning and development programs, and rightfully so. Mobile learning targets smartphones that aligns with the direction organizations are taking towards a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) model for mobile devices.

More importantly, mobile learning aligns with the way people like to consume and learn. Lynda.com found that learners complete courses 45% faster when learning from a smartphone versus a computer or tablet. An MNAlearning study backed that up when they found learners studied an average of 40 minutes longer when learning from smartphones. LearnDash found that 70% of learners felt more motivated when learning on a smartphone.

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Integrating Life, Learning, and Context

Content that is optimized for mobile means more than just designing for a small screen. It’s chunked into smaller, bite sized learning modules, includes more rich media like videos, animations, simulations, and gamified elements to successfully compete with social network notifications and other distractions present on smartphones. It abandons typing for touch and provides a more hands-on learning experience. By bringing training into the work environment, it also provides opportunities for conversation and collaboration with peers in the job’s context.