Make Learning Fun
Gamification integrates game mechanics into learning experiences to engage learners, motivate participation, and create enjoyable experiences. Gamification maps out the journey and content as missions, confirms skills transfer through quizzes, and rewards progress and completion with badges and by unlocking new levels. More than that, it provides a leaderboard, tracks points and progress of learners tapping into learners competitive instincts, and event feeds that allows learners to engage with other members of the learning community.
A Learning Community Thriving on Competition
Gamification works not because of badges and leaderboards but because of the emotions it evokes in learners. It creates an exciting competitive environment while fostering a community. It's the same reason that World of Warcraft and Fortnite are successful. Gamification builds a culture of friendly competition and community that motivates learners to keep learning and drives sustained learning excellence. And it’s not just about being the best, gamified learning can be personalized providing unique learning paths for each player and allowing every player to stand out.
Options for Any Budget
Some think gamification requires reworking all your learning and development (L&D) content and replacing your L&D infrastructure. However, you have a wide variety of options for implementing gamified content. You can start small, by reworking specific content, and adding leaderboards and badges, or go big by integrating a gamification platform. There are options for every budget and timeline.